Quantum Delft news
(April 22th, 2022)
For the last year, Quantum Delft, Quantum Leiden, TNO, Innovation Quarter, and the Province of South Holland have been developing a regional narrative for the emergence of quantum technology in South Holland. Along with the commissioned Birch report, an action plan has been formed that proposes to mark the beginning of wider coordination on all fronts (education of businesses about quantum, support of the growing quantum industry, to help South Holland capitalize on its already strong position in this field.
Quantum community Zuid-Holland
On Friday 22nd, the ‘House of Quantum 1.0’ hosted aldermen and deputies from across the province. This physical meeting marked the culmination of a series of (previously virtual) meetings to get support for the next phase of this initiative, which when approved, will start with a regional quantum program manager being hired to support industries across South Holland starting their quantum journeys. They will also better connect the Quantum Delft and Quantum Leiden communities and integrate with the Quantum for Business initiative.
The event gave Quantum Delft the first opportunity to showcase the plans for the ‘House of Quantum 1.0’ and the growing ecosystem that is being built in Delft. A cheque of € 350.000,- MIT-subsidy was handed out by the province of Zuid-Holland to the research & development project Quaracter. A collaboration of Orange Quantum Systems Operational, Delft Circuits, and Leiden Cryogenics to join forces in research into the practical application of quantum technology. Furthermore, the event allowed the community collaborative initiative ImpaQT to receive a dedicated spotlight as the first commercial bottom-up industrial consortium in the quantum industry, with the final goal to fast track the development of the value chain as a whole, and placing its members in the driver seat of development of the standards, enabling them to become champions in each niche of the value chain. Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague and the Province of South-Holland both contributed €200.000, to the ImpaQT initiative.
ImpaQT consortium
ImpaQT’s main aim is to support its members in coordination of the value chain by exploring building quantum computers using this multi-vendor approach. It facilitates its members with pilot projects and provides the infrastructure for collaboration. This ranges from acquiring the resources and infrastructure, coordinating the technical interfaces, managing the possible joint IP, and other common interests. With this value-chain-based development approach the ImpaQT cooperative aims to support its members and the quantum industry as a whole.
Delft quantum eco–system
With its strong community and active agenda, the Delft-based quantum ecosystem is unique in the world. Building on decades of international scientific success by TU Delft and QuTech a group of companies has raised active in the quantum industry. This makes the Delft quantum industrial eco-system an important international player, and due to its diversity, not only in players but also in customers, highly versatile and resilient.